
Sample Information

Kratom Bird Samples

Wouldn’t it be great if you could try out our products without paying?

Well, then you have chosen the right shop to buy your beloved kratom products, because we at kratom bird offer you, our prestige customer, the ability to add free samples with your order!

How to get a sample

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Sign Up

Sign up for an account with us (only logged in customer can use our sample system)

Add Product to Cart

Products in your cart needs to be 10 EURO or higher to activate the system!

Kratom Bird Samples

Choose a Sample

Choose a sample by going to the product page and click ADD FREE SAMPLE


  1. You can only add one sample per product (every year we reset all our customers sample accounts and you will be able to add sample on the same product again).
  2. You can only add four samples per month (if you already added four samples on a order, then you need to wait until the next month before you can add four more samples).
  3. You need to have products in your cart that totals 10 euro or higher, otherwise you will not be able to add any samples to your cart.

Unsure which products you already received samples from?

Go to the SAMPLES tab on your account dashboard. Here you can see which samples you already received from previous orders.

SEK is Now Our Standard Currency for Payments

Please be aware that we have discontinued our partnership with PayU and have now partnered with Viva Wallet for all our payment processing needs. However, it's important to note that Viva Wallet processes payments in Swedish Krona (SEK). We understand this change from Euro to SEK might be significant for our customers. To assist with this transition, our website will continue to display prices in Euros to provide a clear reference for the exchange rate between SEK and Euro. During the checkout process, please note that the total amount will be presented in SEK, and the final charge will be made in SEK.